Musings for November - Calm

As the waves of the world keep washing over us, the invitation is to find the calm. In every moment, can you find the calm? Can you find your centre, that middle space where everything is peaceful and quiet?

We all have different ways we choose to centre and ground ourselves and it’s more important than ever to be able to find that for yourself. It’s no longer about looking outside of yourself for people to solve the problems. The invitation is to go inwards because we already have all the answers, we’ve just become a little bit disconnected from our internal guidance. We have been conditioned or practiced into giving our power away for years or even centuries and this time is about collecting all of our energy back in and finding that calm place.

You’ll find this place in your heart space, where your Soul resides. Your Soul is your inner compass and it knows how to guide you through these times.

Try this breathing technique to calm the nervous system

I first heard this term on Lee Harris Energy when he described us as being a bridge and it strongly resonated with me. I feel I’m that bridge between the old and the new and I wonder if we all are. I have lived the old paradigm and created a successful life for myself in that paradigm but I see it’s no longer working. Transitions are messy and this is where we are. The old stories that made us feel safe, like we were progressing as humans and generally good, are falling away but the new paradigm isn’t tangible yet. We can’t see it or feel it yet.

If you’re feeling resistance to finding this calm, peaceful stillness within, start to notice it, with our judging it. Some people feel very uncomfortable in stillness with themselves. Your default pattern may be to distract yourself with shopping, binge watching something or eating. We all have something we turn to, mine used to be emotional cleaning! Just know that in each moment we all have choice. In this moment, do I want to choose what I’ve always done or do I want to explore something different? Both choices are valid at different times in our lives.

Especially if you’re used to busyness, I invite you to acquaint yourself with calm. It is in this space you find your answers.


Interpreting the Origin of your Pain


Yoga Nidra