“This feels like therapy”

Patients comment all the time that “this feels like therapy” or “I feel like I’ve also had therapy” after sessions. I found it curious as they all use the same word so I started to contemplate why. I realised I have intuitively been working on all the layers of each patient, not just their physical body. Yoga philosophy eventually gave me framework of these sheaths and the process became more structured.

The hour long sessions allow us to play within all those layers. They are all interconnected and what we do in one, has an affect through all the layers. This is why the stiff ankle that you sprained years ago and the fact that you feel pressured because your child is ill and you’ve had to reschedule work at short notice, are related and all impact your pain as well as the outcome. We usually have one or two layers that we’re aware of but the others are a little more subtle. We also usually dedicate a lot of real estate to one and I would suggest to the detriment of all the others.

I believe we’re in a paradigm shift and I want to empower you with the same knowledge so that you can understand your Self better - body, mind and soul. When we know better, we can choose better. I’m excited to share this with you and if it resonates, get in touch.


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