Are you prone to handbag envy?

A consumer report has found that 16% of women buy a handbag on impulse and nearly 1 in 10 men bought a bag last year! The report found that 21% of women would buy a new handbag to match a new outfit. Yes, and?!

Unfortunately, how you carry a handbag (especially those bigger ones!) can have negative effects on your posture. Some bags can weigh up to 3kgs and that’s BEFORE you put anything in them! Also, a larger bag is more unwieldy and more difficult to deal with. Big, heavy bags can lead to neck and shoulder strain, not to mention the longer term effects on your posture.

So here are your all important Handbag Tips:

  • try and keep your bag light, especially if you have to carry it all day
  • check the contents every day and take out what you don’t need – you WILL survive the day without the kitchen sink!
  • if the bag has a single strap, wear it long and across your body so that the weight is close to you
  • remember to keep your shoulders relaxed
  • avoid wearing your bag in the crook of your arm (sorry!) or down next to your knees – it loads you unevenly

There is no ideal or “maximum” weight for a handbag, it all depends on your size and strength but let’s go light ladies. Let’s ditch that loose change and giant size bottle of hairspray! We put our neck and shoulders under enough strain in so many other ways, let’s make sure our handbags aren’t adding to the stress.