Helpful Tips Helpful Tips

How to treat your plantar heel pain

Plantar fasciitis is not primarily an inflammatory  process so it is probably more accurate to call it Plantar Heel Pain. It can cause pain around your heel that also refers towards the front of the foot. It accounts for approximately 80% of cases of heel pain and is most common in patients aged between 40-60 years. The plantar fascia functions to sense and respond to changes in load.

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Postural Advice Postural Advice

4 Ways to Avoid Back Pain at Work

Did you know your body adapts to the position you assume for most of the day? Unfortunately for a lot of people, we spend most of the day sitting at home or at work. Your tissues and joints form around that posture which can eventually reduce your mobility and cause back pain. Here is some advice for you without having to change to a standing desk:

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